國際貿易法-(第二版)-(英文版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787566308443
- 條形碼:9787566308443 ; 978-7-5663-0844-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
國際貿易法-(第二版)-(英文版) 本書特色
《國際貿易法(第2版英文版)》共設十章:國際貿易的法律環(huán)境、國際貨物買賣法律制度(i)、國際貨物買賣法律制度(ii)、國際貨物運輸法律制度、國際貿易支付法律制度、國際技術轉讓法律制度、國際電子商務法律制度、世界貿易組織法律制度、各國管理貿易的法律制度、國際商事爭議解決法律制度。每章包括“內容大綱”、“熱身問題”、“正文”、“小結”和“練習”五個組成部分!皟热荽缶V”(chapter。outline)可幫助使用者宏觀了解本章的內容結構和主要問題,課前對“熱身問題”(warm—up questions)的討論則可以幫助學習者積累必要的背景知識,激發(fā)其學習本章內容的興趣和探索的熱情!靶〗Y”(chapter summary)是對本章所討論的主要理論、規(guī)則、觀點的簡要歸納,以幫助學習者回顧本章的主要內容。“練習”(chapter questions)部分安排了“正誤辨析”、“問答題”、“案例題”,個別章節(jié)還安排有“選擇題”和“開放式討論題”等多種練習形式,使用者可根據個人情況選擇逐一完成或只選做其中部分題目。除上述內容外,全書還包括“前言”、“目錄”、“附錄”、“法律術語表”、“參考書目”其他五個組成部分。
國際貿易法-(第二版)-(英文版) 內容簡介
國際貿易法-(第二版)-(英文版) 目錄
1.1 globalization and international trade
1.2 history of international trade law
1.3 sources of intemational trade law
a.international treaties and conventions
b.international trade customs and usages
c.national law
d.other sources
1.4 comparison of legal systems
a.the romano-germanic civil law system
b.the anglo-american common law system
1.5 the role of international organizations in international trade
chapter summary
chapter questions
chapter 2 international sale of goods (i)
2.1 what is a contract?
2.2 classification of contracts
2.3 essential elements of a valid contract
2.4 sources of rules governing international sale of goods
a.united nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods
b.national law
c.principles of international commercial contracts
d.international customs and usages: incoterms
chapter summary
chapter questions
chapter 3 international sale of goods (h)
3.1 the sphere of application of cisg
a.three requirements for the application of cisg
b.choice of law clauses
c.sales excluded from cisg
d.contractual issues excluded from cisg
3.2 general provisions for interpretation of cisg
3.3 contract formation
a.the offer
b.the acceptance
c.battle of the forms
3.4 seller's obligations
a.obligations of delivery
b.obligations of quality of the goods
c.obligations of property issues
3.5 buyer's obligations
a.obligations of payment
b.obligations of inspection and notice of defects
3.6 risk of loss
3.7 excused performance
3.8 remedies for breach of contract
a.avoidance of a contract
c.specific performance
d.other remedies available under cisg
chapter summary
chapter questions
chapter 4 international carriage of goods
4.1 carriage of goods by sea
a.bills of lading
4.2 carriage of goods by air
a.the warsaw convention 1929
b.the montreal convention 1999
4.3 carriage of goods by road and rail
4.4 marine cargo insurance
a.types of losses
b.types of marine insurance policies
c.types of coverage
chapter summary
chapter questions
chapter payment in international trade
5.1 modes of international payment
5.2 fundamentals of negotiable instruments
5.3 the bill of exchange
a.laws governing the bill of exchange
b.brief requirements of the bill of exchange
c.negotiation of the bill of exchange
5.4 documentary letters of credit
b.the governing rules: ucp 600
c.basic legal principles
5.5 standby letters of credit
chapter summary
chapter questions
chapter 6 the international transfer of intellectual property
6.1 fundamentals of
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