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行為變化設計-(影印版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787564149833
- 條形碼:9787564149833 ; 978-7-5641-4983-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
行為變化設計-(影印版) 本書特色
新一波產品浪潮專注于幫助人們改變其行為和日 常生活,無論是 更多的鍛煉(jawbone up)、管理財務(hellowallet) 還是組織郵 件(mailbox)。溫德爾編著的《行為變化設計(影印版 )》這本實用指南將為你展示如何為那些力圖采取行 動并達成目標的用戶設計這些類型的產品。 stephen wendel是hellowallet的首席研究員, 他將帶領你一步步地 把行為經濟學和心理學應用到產品設計和開發(fā)的實際 問題中去。 你將學習到一種簡單的迭代方法來確定目標用戶及其 行為、構建 產品和評估效果。同時你也會了解到如何創(chuàng)建易用的 產品來幫助 人們作出積極的改變。
行為變化設計-(影印版) 內容簡介
新一波產品浪潮專注于幫助人們改變其行為和日常生活,無論是更多的鍛煉(Jawbone Up)、管理財務(Hellowallet)還是組織郵件(Mailbox)。溫德爾編著的《行為變化設計(影印版)》這本實用指南將為你展示如何為那些力圖采取行動并達成目標的用戶設計這些類型的產品。 Stephen wendel是HelloWallet的首席研究員,他將帶領你一步步地把行為經濟學和心理學應用到產品設計和開發(fā)的實際問題中去。你將學習到一種簡單的迭代方法來確定目標用戶及其行為、構建產品和評估效果。同時你也會了解到如何創(chuàng)建易用的產品來幫助人們作出積極的改變。
行為變化設計-(影印版) 目錄
forewordprefacepart i understanding the hind and behavior change chapter 1 how the mind decides what to do next the deliberative and intuitive mind making sense of the mind most of the time, we're not actually "choosing" what to do next. even when we "choose," our minds save work the obvious, simple stuff is really important a map of the decision-making process on a napkin chapter 2 why we take certain actions and not others a simple model of when, and why, we act the create action funnel on a napkin chapter3 strategies for behavior change a decision or a reaction: three strategies to change behavior strategy 1: cheat! strategy 2: make or change habits strategy 3: support the conscious action a recap of the three strategies on a napkinpart ii discovering the right outcohe, action, and actor chapter 4 figuring out what you want to accomplish start with the product vision nail down the target outcome identify additional constraints generate a list of possible actions for users to take on a napkin chapter 5 selecting the right target action research your target users select the ideal target action define success and failure : how to handle very diverse populations on a napkinpart iii developing the conceptual design chapter 6 structuring the action start the behavioral plan .tailor it simplify it make it "easy". on a napkin chapter 7 constructing the environment tactics you can use increase motivation cue the user to act generate a feedback loop knock out the competition remove or avoid obstacles update the behavioral plan on a napkin chapter 8 preparing the user tactics you can use narrate the past to support future action associate with the positive and the familiar educate your users how training your users fits in update the behavioral plan how behavior change techniques relate to the thought the behavior requires on a napkinpart iv designing the interface and implementing it chapter 9 moving from conceptual designs to interface designs take stock extract the stories or specs provide structure for magic to occur on a napkin chapter lo reviewing and fleshing out the interface designs look for big caps look for tactical opportunities on a napkin chapter 11 turning the designs into code put the interface design in front of users build the product go lean if possible on a napkinpart v refining the product chapter 12 measuring impact why measure impact? where to start: outcomes and metrics how to measure those metrics determining impact: running experiments determining impact: unique actions and outcomes other ways to determine impact what happens if the outcome isn't measurable within the product? on a napkin chapter 13 identifying obstacles to behavior change watch real people using the product check your data figure out how to fix the obstacles on a napkin chapter 14 learning and refining the product determine what changes to implement measure the impact of each major change when is it "good enough"? how to (re-)design for behavior change with an existing product on a napkinpart vi putting it into practice chapter 15 common questions and a start-to-finish example an example of the approach questions about how and why we act questions about the mechanics of building behavior change products chapter 16 conclusion four lessons themes looking ahead appendix a: glossary of terms appendix b: resources to learn more appendix c: bibliography appendix d: endnotes index about the author
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