Chapter 1 ROS Robot Overview
1.1 Composition of a general robot
1.2 What is ROS robot
1.3 ROS robot
1.4 The positive direction of motion of the ROS robot
Chapter 2 Implementation of the STM32 Bottom Execution Part
2.1 Overview
2.2 Serial port 3/serial port 1 communication receiving speed control command
2.3 CAN communication receiving speed control command part
2.4 Motion execution
2.5 Sending status information to the decision-making level
2.6 Mobile phone bluetooth APP remote control part
2.7 PS2 wireless controller remote control part
2.8 The model aircraft remote control
2.9 Brief description of STM32 source code
Chapter 3 Kinematic Analysis of Common Wheeled Robots
3.1 Mecanum wheel
3.2 Omnidirectional wheel
3.3 Two-wheel differential
3.4 Ackerman steering
Chapter 4 Ubuntu
4.1 Overview
4.2 Virtual machine
4.3 Common commands of Ubuntu
4.4 Remote control
4.5 Remote control:telecommunication configuration
4.6 Remote command line control:SSH
4.7 Remote desktop control:VNC
4.8 Remote mounting files:NFS
4.9 Text editor:Sublime Text
Chapter 5 Introduction of ROS
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Installation of ROS
5.3 Working space and function package
5.4 ROS communication method
5.5 Examples of using node, topic, service and parameter server
Chapter 6 ROS Programming Training:Make a Function Package
6.1 Functional design
6.2 Create a new workspace and function package
6.3 Custom topic data format
6.4 C++ implements topic publishing, subscribing and parameter reading
6.5 Python implements publishing, subscribing, and parameters reading of topics
6.6 Use the launch file to invoke the function packages and upload parameters
Chapter 7 TF, urdf, rviz, rqt and OpenCV
7.1 What is TF?
7.2 TF programming:C++ implements TF broadcasting and monitoring
7.3 TF programming:Python implements TF broadcasting and monitoring
7.4 TF static coordinates tool:launch file publishes static coordinates
7.5 urdf files
7.6 rviz
7.7 rqt
7.8 ROS and OpenCV:cv bridge
Chapter 8 ROS and STM32 Motion Chassis
8.1 What ROS should do
8.2 Function package "turn on wheeltec_robot"
8.3 Use the function package "turn on wheeltec_robot"
Chapter 9 Simultaneous Positioning and Mapping of ROS Robots
9. 1 Basic concepts of simultaneous positioning and mapping
9.2 Gmapping mapping algorithm function package
9.3 Hector mapping algorithm function package
9.4 Cartographer mapping algorithm function package
9.5 Karto mapping algorithm function package
9.6 Mapping with ROS robot
Chapter 10 Autonomous Navigation of ROS Robots
10.1 Overview
10.2 ROS autonomous navigation function package and navigation framework
10.3 Autonomous navigation parameter file
10.4 Autonomous navigation with R()S robots