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С����Ӣ�Z���x����100ƪ-MP3��P�S����ٛ Ŀ�

Ŀ �

1 homesickness in a quiet, moonlit night
�oҹ˼ / 2
2 rain
�� / 4
3 the wind
�L(f��ng) / 6
4 the star (excerpt)
С���ǣ���(ji��)�x�� / 9
5 what does the bee do?
�۷���Щʲô�� / 12
6 i��ll try
�қQ��ԇһԇ / 14
7 the cuckoo
�����B / 17
8 my dog ate my homework
�ҵĹ������ҵ����I(y��) / 20
9 a house of cards
������ / 23
10 what does little birdie say?
С�B�fʲô�� / 26

1 my pen friend
�ҵĹP�� / 30
2 my best friend
��**������ / 33
3 a family photo
һ��ȫ�Ҹ� / 36
4 a good trip
һ�����õ����� / 39
5 my father
�ҵİְ� / 42
6 my room
�ҵķ��g / 45
7 city and countryside
����l(xi��ng)�� / 48
8 my dreams
�ҵĉ��� / 51

1 antelope and lion
����ͪ{�� / 55
2 i heard a sweet voice
�� ����һ�����۵�•�� / 58
3 keep walking in sunshine
һֱ����ꖹ��� / 61
4 the power of words
�Z�Ե����� / 64
5 how to develop positive habits
�����B(y��ng)�ɷe�O����(x��)�T / 67
6 mark twain��s first money
�R�ˡ��œص�**Ͱ�� / 70

1 halloween costumes
�fʥ��(ji��)���b / 74
2 zongzi
���� / 77
3 preparation of the christmas cakes
�Ƃ�ʥ�Q���� / 80
4 new year in japan
�ձ������� / 82
5 thanksgiving day
���(ji��) / 85
6 spring festival
����(ji��) / 88
7 the lantern festival
Ԫ����(ji��) / 91
8 yuanxiao
Ԫ�� / 93
9 manners in america
�����Y��(ji��) / 96
10 the customs of different countries
��ͬ���ҵ���(x��)�� / 99
11 mother��s day
ĸ�H��(ji��) / 103
12 americans�� good manners
�����˵�������(x��)�T / 106
13 customs in britain
Ӣ�����L(f��ng)����(x��)�T / 109

1 two dogs
��ֻ�� / 113
2 a clever crow
”���Ğ��f / 116
3 the farmer and the snake
�r(n��ng)����� / 119
4 the clever squirrel
”�������� / 122
5 the goose with the golden eggs
���𵰵��Z / 125
6 a foolish tiger
�޴����ϻ� / 128
7 why the bat only comes out at night?
��ʲô����ֻ�����ϳ����� / 131

1 daniel radcliffe
���᠖�����¿����� / 135
2 charles chaplin
�頖˹��׿�e�� / 138
3 liu xiang
���� / 141
4 mencius
���� / 144
5 yao ming
Ҧ�� / 147
6 abraham lincoln
�����������ֿ� / 150

1 that��s foolish
�����޴��� / 154
2 why don��t you phone me?
��ʲô���o�Ҵ��Ԓ�� / 157
3 a funny thing in the restaurant
�����Ȥ���� / 161
4 bingo
�e�� / 165
5 doctor, be quick!
������죡 / 168
6 the first day at school
�όW(xu��)��**�� / 171
7 once upon a time
�ܾ���ǰ / 174
8 father eats a fly
�ְֳ���һֻ�nω / 177
9 no parking
���Sͣ܇ / 180
10 who is the laziest?
�l*���� / 183
11 pig or witch
�i߀��Ů�� / 186
12 do you know my work?
��֪�����Ǹ�ʲô�Ć��� / 189
13 who was the first man?
�l��������**�������� / 192
14 new alien life on earth?
������������������ / 195

1 the white house
�׌m / 199
2 the biggest shopping mall in the world
ȫ��**��ُ������ / 202
3 the great wall
�L�� / 206
4 washington d. c.
�Aʢ�D�؅^(q��) / 209
5 london bridge
���ش�� / 212
6 experiencing scotland
�����K���m / 215
7 the yellowstone national park
�Sʯ���ҹ��@ / 219
8 wall street
�A���� / 222
9 the oldest stone arch bridge in the world
������*���ϵ�ʯ���� / 225

1 the sun, the moon and the stars
̫ꖡ����������� / 229
2 the seasons
����(ji��) / 232
3 in london
�ڂ��� / 235
4 the largest island in the world
������**�ču�Z / 238
5 computers and the internet
Ӌ��C�ͻ�“(li��n)�W(w��ng) / 241
6 the computer
��X / 245
7 traffic in england
Ӣ���Ľ�ͨ / 248
8 how to write a letter in english
������Ӣ�Z���� / 251
9 healthy diet
�����ʳ / 254

1 the columbia river
�炐�ȁ��� / 258
2 the pine tree
�ɘ� / 261
3 plants
ֲ�� / 264
4 the bald eagle
�d�� / 267
5 can we make animals work for us?
�҂�����׌������҂��������� / 271
6 beehive��a busy place
��C����æµ�ĵط� / 274
7 tai shan��a gift from china
̩ɽ���������Ї��ĶY�� / 277
8 the important things for human beings
���*��Ҫ�Ė|�� / 281

1 homes of animals
����ļ� / 285
2 my diet
�ҵ��ʳ / 288
3 time is money
�r�g���ǽ��X / 291
4 mark twain��s ticket
�R�ˡ��œص�܇Ʊ / 294
5 we must leave here
�҂�����x�_�@�� / 297
6 alice��s hobbies
�����z�Đۺ� / 300
7 why do so few girls become scientists?
��ʲôŮ���ɞ�ƌW(xu��)�ҵı��^���� / 303
8 healthy
���� / 307
9 what are you doing with my car?
�ゃ���ҵ�܇��ʲô�� / 310
10 he is in the wrong car
�����e��܇ / 313
С�������x��(y��ng)֪��(y��ng)���~�R700�� / 316

С����Ӣ�Z���x����100ƪ-MP3��P�S����ٛ ���ߺ���

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